제 4 호 (2001년 12월)

1. Editorial – By Pavel Vychopen, Director of the Diaconia

2. Terrorist Attacks on the USA

– KRABCICE, October 13th, 2001, Day of The Diaconia of the ECCB
– A Look Back over the Last 10 Years of the Work of the Diaconical Center of the ECCB
in KRABCICE by the Director, Mgr. Miroslav Erdinger

4. Delegation of the Evangelical Church in Germany visits Prague

5. Current Events and Issues in the Life of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
– The Number of Christians in Our Country (By Blahoslav Hajek)

6. International Ecumenical Fellowship Congress in Prague

7. Jubilee Celebration

8. Exchange with Norway Continues

9. International Summer Youth Camp in Krizlice

10. Pastor John Michel in Prague

11. Rev. Ivona Linhart Finishes Her Service as Pastor in Karlsbad

12. The Toleration Patent – By Ludek Rejchrt, ECCB pastor in Prague

13. Tolerance – Our Chance

14. A Year Later A University Chaplain at the Protestant Theological Faculty

15. International Events at the Protestant Theological Faculty in Prague
in the Winter Semester 2001

16. Series: the Presbyteries of the ECCB
1: The Presbytery of Western Bohemia
(By Pavel Pellar, Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Western Bohemia)


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