제 10 호 (2005년 봄호)

Editorial …………………………………………………………………….1
Interview with ECCB Moderator Joel Ruml ………………….2
The Church 15 years After the Revolution …………………….3
The Diaconia’s Bethlehem Center ………………………………..4
The Origin and Development of the Diaconia ………………..5
Study Programs offered at the Faculty ………………………….6
The Faculty’s International Contacts ……………………………6
Interview with the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Pavel
Filipi, on the Faculty’s Situation Today ………………………..7
Come Study Theology in Prague, in German or English! .7
Welcome to the Czech Republic! ………………………………….8
ECCB Vacation Homes and Pensions …………………………..8

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