제 9 호 (2005년 겨울: 1월 발행)

Editorial …………………………………………………………………….1
Statistics are not only Numbers ……………………………………….2
31st Synod ECCB ………………………………………………………..2
Gathering of Christians, Prague 2005 …………………………………2
Protestant Academy: What, Why, Where, How? …………………….4
News from the Protestant Theological Faculty ……………………..4
Protestant Theological Faculty Celebrates 85 Years ………………4
Prof. Ulrich Luz awarded Honorary Doctorate ………………………4
Studying in Prague through Erasmus Program …………………….4
International Consultation on Spirituality ……………………………..4
Chrudimský Presbytery …………………………………………………5
Romanies in Czech Church and Society ……………………………6
Rokycany: living together as the way forward ……………………..6
Viewpoint of the minister in Rokycany ……………………………….6
Romanies in the Churches, Churches and Romanies ……………7
“Thanks” from Citadela Hospice, Diaconia ………………………….8
ECCB Joins Lutheran World Federation ……………………………..8
Mr. & Mrs. Štorek Retire ………………………………………………..8
Medals of Thanks Conferred …………………………………………..8

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