제 11 호 (2005년 가을호)

Editorial …………………………………………………………………….1
We are helping with HEKS, Agreement signed……………….2
Building up Congregations, Main Theme of May Synod…2
2005 Budget of the ECCB…………………………………………….3
New Church Building opened in Kaplice……………………….3
Moderator Ruml’s Visit to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)… 3
Gathering of Christians in Prague………………………………..4
A new center ECCB´ s Diaconial Center in Vlašim………..5
“I am still me” Project of Diaconia of the ECCB……………6
Sexual Exploitation/Human Trafficking Commission
Meets in Cheb……………………………………………………………..6
Meeting of Czech and Austrian Ecumenical Councils…….6
Konfi-Tour, visit of German confirmands………………………6
The Protestant Theological Faculty has new Dean…………7
Interview with PTF Dean Martin Prudký………………………7
Other Faculty News……………………………………………………..8
ECCB Vacation homes and pensions…………………………….8


제 10 호 (2005년 봄호)

Editorial …………………………………………………………………….1
Interview with ECCB Moderator Joel Ruml ………………….2
The Church 15 years After the Revolution …………………….3
The Diaconia’s Bethlehem Center ………………………………..4
The Origin and Development of the Diaconia ………………..5
Study Programs offered at the Faculty ………………………….6
The Faculty’s International Contacts ……………………………6
Interview with the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Pavel
Filipi, on the Faculty’s Situation Today ………………………..7
Come Study Theology in Prague, in German or English! .7
Welcome to the Czech Republic! ………………………………….8
ECCB Vacation Homes and Pensions …………………………..8

제 9 호 (2005년 겨울: 1월 발행)

Editorial …………………………………………………………………….1
Statistics are not only Numbers ……………………………………….2
31st Synod ECCB ………………………………………………………..2
Gathering of Christians, Prague 2005 …………………………………2
Protestant Academy: What, Why, Where, How? …………………….4
News from the Protestant Theological Faculty ……………………..4
Protestant Theological Faculty Celebrates 85 Years ………………4
Prof. Ulrich Luz awarded Honorary Doctorate ………………………4
Studying in Prague through Erasmus Program …………………….4
International Consultation on Spirituality ……………………………..4
Chrudimský Presbytery …………………………………………………5
Romanies in Czech Church and Society ……………………………6
Rokycany: living together as the way forward ……………………..6
Viewpoint of the minister in Rokycany ……………………………….6
Romanies in the Churches, Churches and Romanies ……………7
“Thanks” from Citadela Hospice, Diaconia ………………………….8
ECCB Joins Lutheran World Federation ……………………………..8
Mr. & Mrs. Štorek Retire ………………………………………………..8
Medals of Thanks Conferred …………………………………………..8

제 7 호 (2003년 가을호)


The Diaconia and the Suffering of Terezin

– Bjelisevac
– 200 Years in Zelow
– Czech Brethren in the Ukraine
– The Presbytery of Southern Bohemia
– Fire in the Protestant Church in Rumburk
– A Dwelling of God among the People
– Dedication fo New Church in Letohrad, May 25, 2003

– Protestant Theological Faculties Meet in Prague
– Academical honourings
– Conference of the friends of the faculty
– Theologians Focus on Human Rights
– To study in Prague
– Prof Broz dies

– Rev. Silarova Retires

The New Synodal Council

100 Years Czech Diaconia
(By Zdenek Barta, Chairman of the Board of Diaconia)

Welcome to the Czech Republic

Visitors from Scotland in Miroslav
(By Ondrej Titera, Pastor of the Miroslav congregation: cce.miroslav@volny.cz)

Im Momoriam
– Dr. Pavel Simek
– Pastor Jiri P. Storek